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What it means to be in adventure is it feels different than the other kids because we get less homework sometimes and we do more interactive projects and more hands on activities.Another thing is adventure has less people and we learn new things everyday.It also feels special because there are some things we get to do and the other kids dont get to. in Adventure we also do different things everyday.also it feels like that you can get help anytime in adventure and in adventure the teachers always ask if you need help to see if your strugguling or confused.also in adventure the teachers allow you to get help after school.Also in adventure the teachers always make sure that you have high academic standards . And have high expectations in achievement and behaviour. Adventure also has strict rules that you are suppose to follow and at the begining of the year we signed a contract that we would follow the rules that they gave us. Another thing is that sometimes well have class contest and well see like who will donate the most money that class would get a ice cream or pizza party. In adventure you also have to follow a dress code. In adventure we get a lot of projects.

we also always have big parties on holidays. It also feels like in adventure you learn more things.Also in adventure we have to create a blog every week about what we did in class and what we thought about it.Adventure isnt just always work somtimes we get to have fun. Adventure will really help you learn and discover new things. Most kids at adventure have good grades because they work hard.Also in adventure tome it feels like a big community where we all come together. For example,We had big bang friday every friday. we would come together and talk about each period. we also talk about other things like what rules we should have or the responsibilty that we have and also the expectations that the teachers have for us. Like behaving or respond to a call and respond or clap 3 three times to calm the class down. What we would also do in big bang is play games. We would play games like capture the flag or rock paper scissor.Lastly i want to talk about the end of year patriot games. the  patriot games is where there are these different types of games layed out and you get to choose any one you want to go to and its one of the funnest events of the year at adventure. Finally i would like to say it feels ok being in adventure.

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